This blog is just some of the insight and marketing points I have learned in my 25 plus years in the sales arena.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

E-Commerce is BOOMING are You ?

Why 9 out of 10 new e-commerce stores are going to fail in the
first year. I find that alarming, because as we've told you
before, e-Commerce is BOOMING as the US looks at a possible
economic recession.

Let's talk about YOUR e-commerce business.

What are the mistakes those 9 people are making that will cause
them to lose their investment and close shop without a single
penny of profit?

1. They don't know WHAT they should be selling.

2. They don't know WHERE TO SOURCE profitable products from.

3. Even if they get the first two RIGHT, they still don't know
HOW TO SELL online.

Advertising is also a big thing now here's a site you can adverise
for free and get great results ,by the way they will also pay you.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Acquisition Of Web 2.0 Ask Michael Curry Now

Acquisition by whom? Well Google for starters. The internet giant is absolutely at the heart of web 2.0 and the ability to bring many of these services together to create vast interlinked content offerings will certainly appeal. For the enterprise and end-user Google already offers a number of Office-style applications as a hosted offering. The company is also readying the finished version of its hosted email Exchange-offering.
The more, dare we say 'interesting' web 2.0 content will also appeal to Google as it puts ever more flesh on its content bones.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Should We Care About Web 2.0

But should I care? Absolutely Two or three years ago there was a feeling that innovation online had failed to emerge from the doldrums of the dot-com boom and bust cycle and had hit something of a dead end but now innovation is arguably at its most frenetic level ever. Never underestimate the effect the internet can have on our lives and now all we need is a browser and a broadband connection and there's very little we can't do.
Isn't there a danger that mistakes will be repeated? We've been here before, haven't we? We've certainly, very famously, seen an internet boom before and history has shown us that bust follows boom but there is some bedrock here. Of course there are question marks over how YouTube will make money, for example - because great ideas and even popularity don't pay the bills - and the next stage for the investors will be monetising the excitement that surrounds web 2.0. Not every service which launches under that banner will survive but a great many will, probably though acquisition in a lot of cases.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Web 2.0 Ask Michael Curry Now.What Is It ?

Well, web 2.0 is a bit of a catch-all which
covers a broad range of new online
services, user-generated content,
communities and social networking tools.
The most popular are sites such as Blogger,
Flickr, MySpace, YouTube and Wikipedia
and the Godfather of web 2.0 - Google.
The phrase also refers to the creation of far
greater levels of interactivity, not just
between users, or between users and the
internet but between complementary
online services through mash-ups and web
services. Check Back Later..

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ask Michael Curry Now About WEB 2.0

Web 2.0? I'm learning to spot a buzzword when I hear one and I think I just have... Web 2.0 is one of those phrases which we're hearing a lot about currently.
Everybody says they're very excited about it but do they really know what it is?
So what is it?
Well, in the simplest terms it's the phrase
being applied to 'the second coming' of the internet. Dot-com investors are
partying like it's 1999 and a number of pioneering online services are very much keeping that party exciting, getting everybody talking about the internet once more and its increasing relevance to our lives. Now there is a new internet upgradeThats going to change the internet by upgrading the entire internet.More On This Later.

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